miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

The aspect of love

First of all, love the God with your whole heart, your whole soul and all your strength The love of Christ must come before all. Rid your heart of all deceit. Speak

the truth in the heart and tongue. Forgive the people who talks in hurting word. Pray and ask the blessing for them. You must not be proud. Place your hope in God alone.
If you do something good,give credit to God not to yourself but be certain that the evil
you commit is always your own and yours to acknowledge. Everyday live in fear,
remind yourself that you are going to die. Watch over all you do, aware that God's
gaze upon us. Thanks Him every moments, of our life either we recieve what we 've
asked or not. Asked forgiveness at ounce when we do wrong and devote our self in praying. Remember the teaching of the Lord, Do what they say and what they do.
Do not aspire to be called Holy but live by God's commanments everyday. Respect the elders and love the young. Finally never lose hope in God's mercy.

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